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Online Safety

The internet offers a huge opportunity for both work and play for people of all ages. The ability to connect instantly to a wide variety of people and resources across the world has an enormous implication to how we now access information. At All Saints’ we look to develop our students into positive digital citizens who are able to confidently make use of new technologies and cope with the ever changing world of technology. To help support this development we take an age-centred approach to the safety of our students.

In line with KCSIE 2023 and the new DfE standards; the school has a filtering system which, with supervision, allows you to be confident that your child is not accessing inappropriate material through the school systems. However, filtering software is never 100% effective and a lot of students in schools have access to internet on their phones or tablets which do not need to use the school's internet.  At All Saints’ we believe education is critical to allow students to be mature in navigating their way through the online world.  This section is to help you find out more information about how to keep you and your child safe online.


All Saints' E-Safety Policy

This policy is a key policy for school and one which we like to actively consult on. 

Parents and students (through our student council) are asked to review it.  The purpose of this policy is to establish the ground rules we have in school for using ICT equipment and the Internet.  We ask parents and students for their views on the policy and whether they feel our practises are as the policy states

Think U Know website logo and link

Think U Know is an important website aimed at children and their parents/carers to educate all concerned about the potential dangers and risks that currently exist on the internet. It is an important that parents and carers are aware of exactly what their children have posted on-line, what security risks there are and also what site their children are visiting. Please click on the link above and spend some time watching browsing the resources.

ConnectSafely website logo and link

ConnectSafely is a non-profit organisation dedicated to educating users of connected technology about safety, privacy and security. Here you will find research-based safety tips, parents’ guidebooks, advice, news and commentary on all aspects of technical use and policy.

Whether it is social media, mobile technology or the 'Internet of Things,' connected technologies bring us enormous advantages, along with some challenges. ConnectSafely’s job is to help users get the most from their technology while managing the risks and help decision makers craft sensible policies that encourage both innovation and responsible use.

CEOP website logo and link

The Child Exploitation and Online Protection Centre (CEOP) works with child protection partners across the UK and overseas to identify the main threats to children and coordinates activity against these threats to bring offenders to account.

CEOP protects children from harm online and offline, both directly and in partnership with local and international agencies.” CEOP also have browser addons which allow quick easy access to advice on a variety of issues.

Internet Watch Foundation website logo and link

The Internet Watch Foundation has the power to shut down sites which are offensive or show obscene content on the internet. The Foundation minimises the availability of potentially criminal internet content specifically by focusing on:

  • Child sexual abuse content hosted anywhere in the world.
  • Criminally obscene adult content hosted in the UK.                
  • Non-photographic child sexual abuse images hosted in the UK

ChildLine website logo and link

ChildLine offers help and advice to children who are worried, concerned or at risk in any way. ChildLine is a private and confidential service for people up to the age of 19. You can contact a ChildLine counsellor about anything, no problem is too big or too small.

kidscape website logo and link

Our mission is to ensure children live in a safe and nurturing environment. By providing training, support and advice to children, parents, schools and those in professional contact with young people, we enable them to gain knowledge and develop the confidence and skills to challenge abuse and bullying in all its forms.

Talk to Frank website logo and link

FRANK helps you to find out everything you want to know about drugs.  For friendly, confidential advice, Talk to FRANK.

Childnet International website logo and link

Childnet International is a non-profit organisation working with others to help make the internet a great and safe place for children.

They also have an excellent section on copyright and they aim to keep parents well-informed about how digital content can be enjoyed safely and legally online or via a mobile device.

Parents' Guides

