Catholic Life & Mission
Catholic Life and Mission is an integral part of life at All Saints’. Our school motto ‘Luceat Lux Vestra’ – Let your light shine – influences our role as educators within a Catholic school; to encourage all members of our school to be the best people they can be.
At All Saints’, pupils are given opportunities to grow spiritually, not just academically. Students are invited to pray daily and attend acts of collective worship regularly. These include daily prayer during form periods (based on a weekly theme), attending Masses, para-liturgies, year group assemblies.
The Catholic life of the school is at the heart of what we do and pupils are welcomed and encouraged to take part regardless of their belief or non-belief.
We demonstrate Catholic Social Teaching in our school life in many ways, but particularly through our fundraising for local or national charities – recent examples include the CAFOD Big Lent Walk, RAFT Christmas Hamper Appeal, Rossendale Hospice penny-pinching appeal, CARITAS – all money raised from our Christmas Fair was donated to this Diocesan charity.
Advent Video
This Advent All Saints' and our partner primary schools have come together to retell the Christmas Story. The Nativity is a wonderful way to invite God into our lives during the festive season. We hope you enjoy this beautiful compilation of the greatest story ever told.